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Revision tips for your everyday life

Revision tips for your everyday life

It’s December.

When Father Christmas rides across the rooftops, he also drops tonnes of revision packs, and they look as white as snow. Why? The exams are coming! Before the winter break!

Here are a few St.Nick secrets about how to survive the exams:

Before the exams…

Tip 1: Make a timetable!

It is important that you are clear about which topics are going to be in the exam. You don’t want to revise things that won’t help you with your grade. (Having a broad range of knowledge is great, but you definitely don’t want to do that just before the exam). It is even better to put things in order. The most unclear topic would be the priority and then make sure you spend the right amount of time on each topic based on your existing knowledge.

Tip 2: Go through your notebooks!

Some students may just read through the textbooks and don’t bother to read their own notes. This is helpful as well but make sure you read your notebooks! They are your own work and may bring you back to the day when you wrote it. You can also add things to your notes.

Tip 3: Relax

This means understanding the point of exams are not to test how well you have done. They are there to remind you that you’re one step closer to your dream career!

My personal suggestion before the exam is : Don’t revise on the exam day, this only brings you more concern and worries. It would be good if you talk to your friends around the topics and go through them in your heads.

During the exams:

Tip 1: Don’t get disturbed by what surrounds you

You never know what is gonna happen next second. I had the experience of my tablemate fainting on me during the final exam of the term. Well, not common right? Just continue your exam and don’t be bothered. Everybody needs to handle their own business, right? (This tip doesn’t apply when you hear a fire alarm).

Tip 2 : Don’t race

Seriously? You already have enough competition on the grades. Don’t compete for who will finish the paper first! We all get nervous when we hear someone turn over the page but you haven’t. Don’t worry, as long as you can finish in time.

After your exams:

Tip 1: Don’t go too crazy

I understand if you all get really excited when all the exams are out of the way. However, it’s not like you have saved the world. Plus, even the superheroes need to save the Earth quite a few times, right? Have a nice a meal with your friends, and family will surely do the celebrating. You have other challenges in your life.

Tip 2: Revise the exam paper

I know this sounds crazy. Who would want to read the paper again after they have done it? But getting a grade for your progress is not the aim of the exam. The aim is for you to check which part you need to spend a bit more time on. So go through the paper and circle the topics you weren’t good at.

Well, these are all the tips I remember. Apart from the tips Santa Claus also told me another thing.

Good luck for the exams and Merry Early Christmas!


Written by Angelina



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