EF Stories: Alejandra from Mexico at EF London
I believe I am living one of the best experiences of my life in every sense. I am taking the time to improve my English, as it's super important for me to feel confident in a work environment, and I am equipping myself with the best tools for that.
But as if that weren't enough, being here represents a strong cultural exchange. EF offers a platform with various types of courses, so there are people here for anywhere from two weeks to eleven months. The number of people you meet and the bond of camaraderie that forms simply from stepping out of your comfort zone is tremendous. Not to mention all that you learn from them and the experiences you allow yourself to have, from navigating a subway station to trying new food.
Making more international friends is the greatest gift EF can give you. Now I can say, "I'm going to South Korea because my best friend is there"; "I'm going to Paris to visit my friends"; "I got invited to Switzerland for the weekend"; "I think I'll go to Turkey next year"; "When we return to Mexico, let's meet up in Monterrey, and then you can come to my place." Without a doubt, THAT IS THE BEST PART of giving yourself the time, whether short or long, to expand your horizons and, above all, to step out of your comfort zone.
I've always said that schools don't teach you how to live, but EF is one of those schools that push you to soar. It's a small door that opens up to a thousand opportunities in the world, and seizing them depends on you.