How do you define the qualities of a good student?
There are various ways to describe a good student. Some common expressions are hardworking, submitting work on time, actively participating in class and achieving high grades. But what about those who are compassionate, selfless, putting others first, and empathetic? You could also argue that an ideal student is someone who spends their time supporting other students and works to make a difference in their school. We have compiled a formula that includes all these qualities and more to represent the epitome of a good student, the EF Academy Student Profile.
Students are accepted to EF Academy based on the ideals of the EF Academy Student Profile. There are four traits of the EF Academy Student Profile:
- Think critically and ask questions to deepen understanding
- Find joy in learning new skills and information
- Take responsible risks to enhance learning
- Learn both independently and in groups
- Accept, reflect on, and learn from mistakes
- Accept new responsibilities and challenges
- Stand up for the dignity of others
- Communicate with clarity
- Endeavor to protect our planet
- Inspire and collaborate with others
- Engage with current events
- Gather and synthesize information across a variety of media
- Use evolving technologies skillfully
- Pursue their passions
- Think both analytically and imaginatively
Global Citizens
- Consider alternative viewpoints
- Discuss conflicting perspectives respectfully
- Persevere through challenges
- Make a positive difference in the world
- Appreciate the interconnectedness of all peoples
While we are an IB World School, this profile differs from the IB Learner Profile. “It’s aligned with the IB Learner Profile’s values, but it’s unique to us,” says Andrea Houser, Director of US Admissions and one of the heads of this project; “We wanted to create something that encompasses the ideals of all our students, beyond just the IB Candidates, and leaves a lasting impression on their lives.” The EF Academy Student Profile was created to connect the school’s mission: “Open the world through education,” and our vision: “Foster true global citizenship through our multicultural learning community.”
The EF Academy Student Profile was created to connect EF Academy’s core values and beliefs:
- Mission: “Open the world through education,”
- Vision: “Foster true global citizenship through our multicultural learning community.”
This profile was developed with input from all areas of our school, from on-campus faculty and staff to our global Admissions Counselors and everyone in between.
“The student profile was developed collaboratively with input from teachers, students and administrators,” says Matt Sipple, Deputy Head of School for Academics at EF Academy New York and another head of this project. “Much of it was adapted from EF Academy’s guiding statements, definition of international mindedness and our definition of learning.”
To show our appreciation of our students internalizing these ideals, we give awards to those students who represent each aspect of the profile. These awards are given to our seniors as Profile of a Graduate awards at graduation and again to the underclassman at their end-of-year awards ceremony. The students who have been awarded these prestigious titles are described by their teachers as:
- “Dedicated to learning. Their grit is admirable as they don’t only want to ‘know,’ but also want to understand the ‘whys’ and the ‘hows,’” – Learner
- “Approaching challenges head on and springing into action without hesitation – no task is too daunting for them. Their habits and hard work are impressive beyond their years,” – Leader
- “Having an uncanny ability to think critically and clearly communicate that thinking in their writing. Whether it be an assignment, an exam or her Internal Assessment, they have often left me speechless after reading their work,” – Scholar
- “Being able to persevere through challenges with dignity, poise, humbleness, and their staple smile. They motivate others even when too overwhelmed and tired to whisper those words of wisdom to themself. They appreciate and embrace every human being that they meet,” – Global Citizen
The EF Academy Student Profile is utilized in every aspect of a student’s journey at the school, from prospective students to new classmates. We’re so excited to share this profile with you and internalize these principles into our everyday lives at EF Academy.