EF Homestay
Enjoy full immersion into local life by staying with friendly hosts.
Practice speaking with locals
Breakfast & dinner Mon-Fri, all meals on weekends
Unlock up to 15% off an EF language course abroad.
Program, accommodation, meals and more
Vast campus with excellent facilities near Oxford Brookes
5-min to public transportation to explore Oxford & beyond
Lecture hall, bright classrooms & cafeteria, fitness room
Patio, BBQ, ping-pong, video games & lush surroundings
Make yourself at home in our comfortable living options. Find your perfect fit and live like a local.
Immerse yourself with events year-round. Explore with new friends on & off campus. EF Activities Managers handle the details; you make memories.
Enjoy EF tours, parties, sports, and an unforgettable graduation party.
Book trips to Oxford's colleges, museums, punting and more.
Book excursions to Edinburgh, London, Dublin, Paris, Amsterdam and more
For more information about our offer, you can schedule a free call with one of our friendly EF Study Advisors or order a free brochure.