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The latest on travel, languages and culture by EF Education First
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201 articles
How to navigate cultural differences: 9 tips
4 min read 4 min

Cultural exchange is a huge part of foreign language learning. Language is so connected to culture that, to become fluent, it’s essential to learn abo...

13 totally relatable French expressions
4 min read 4 min

There are a million reasons to learn French: is beautiful, sexy and suave. But it’s also thoughtful and intelligent. The French have a certain je ne s...

The ultimate summer guide to Rome
4 min read 4 min

Ah, summer in Rome. It makes you think of touring the historic sights, devouring mountains of soft gelato and spending warm evenings enjoying good foo...

8 must-read classics to help you learn English
5 min read 5 min

There’s a reason classic novels are known as “classics.” They’re beautifully written, forming the foundation of the English language as we know it. Cl...

The ultimate summer guide to Brighton
4 min read 4 min

When the sun is shining, there’s only one place that Brits want to be: by the sea! Since the 1800s, Brighton has been one of England’s top beach desti...

10 facts you didn't know about the Tour de France
3 min read 3 min

The Tour de France is the pinnacle of professional cycling, captivating millions each July with its compelling mix of athleticism, strategy, and scene...

10 Victorian slang terms to start using today
3 min read 3 min

Ah, the Victorian Era — a time of corsets, top hats, and strict societal rules. But did you know that it was also a time of vibrant and constantly evo...

Pedal power: 10 English cycling terms you should know before the Tour de France
4 min read 4 min

The Tour de France annual cycling race captivates millions of people worldwide by showcasing the incredible athleticism and determination of the world...

Living the game: Your guide to European football culture
4 min read 4 min

Sports connect people around the world and can be a great way to tap into the local culture when traveling abroad.Embracing football might be your tic...

9 of the best destinations to enjoy both city and nature
5 min read 5 min

So here’s your travel dilemma: you want to visit a new city because you’re searching for the exhilarating feel of a big, bustling, unknown metropolis....

5 fun ways to start preparing for your summer trip today
3 min read 3 min

The balmy evenings, faint scent of sun cream and long, sunny days: summer is finally upon us. With sunshine and new surroundings on the brain, it’s ha...

Reverse culture shock: How to settle in back home after traveling
4 min read 4 min

Spending time abroad is transformative, and the journey is punctuated with new experiences, people, and customs. With that, can sometimes come culture...