EF Teach Online
At EF Teach Online, we provide the technology to connect teachers and students worldwide. Here you'll find tools, tips and teacher stories to power your online classes.

Let’s meet the teachers – Anju

Let’s meet the teachers – Anju

I am Anju from India. I am from a district called Coorg, in the state of Karnataka, in the south of India. Coorg is well known for its coffee and pepper plantations. In fact, I live on a coffee plantation with my husband, daughter, and pets. When I have spare time, I help on the plantation, applying fertilizer, pruning the coffee shrubs, and tending to the pepper vines, and the vegetables we grow. I feel a sense of satisfaction in the midst of nature. We try to practice sustainable living. To relax, I read fiction and I like to watch period movies.

I was introduced to EF by a friend and I cannot thank her enough for it. At the time, I wasn’t keen on continuing in my job, as an educator and counsellor, at a regular school. I was looking for something more exciting. I tried my hands at a few other similar jobs, but the gratification was mediocre. Therefore, I took my friend’s suggestion and in 2016, was fortunate enough to start with EF.

As a corrector with EF, I have enjoyed my job thoroughly. I look forward every morning to start correcting. In the process, I have gained many skills relevant to this field and improved my all round knowledge too. Moreover, I am delighted that I am assisting people in progressing in their journey to gain proficiency in English. I also enjoy the flexibility of time this job allows, which grants me enough space to attend to my family.

If I were to offer a tip, being a teacher or in general too, it would be, to be determined to enjoy what you do. It usually brings out the best in people, if they value their circumstances. Many situations may seem daunting at first, but one can overcome any hurdle, with determination.

Coffee cheers to you all. Peace.


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