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Additional Language Exams
Additional Language Exams

Additional Language Exams

Prepare for an officially recognized language exam.
32 Lessons / week
(40 minutes each lesson)

16 General Language Lessons
04 Project Sessions
10 Exam preparation special interest lessons
02 Lecture sessions

  • Level:
    Beginner to Advanced
  • Start Date:
    Designated start dates
  • Length:
    6 to 52 weeks
  • Online pre-course:
    Practice French or Spanish online from enrollment

Prepare for officially recognized language exam like the DALF, DELE, DELF, HSK, and more. These exams, recognized around the world, enhance your resume and pave the way to university acceptance and international careers in many diverse fields.

French: Le Diplôme d’Études en Langue Française (DELF), Le Diplôme Approfondi en Langue Française (DALF), Certificat Européen de Langue Française (Certificat de Français) Diplôme de français professionnel des Affairs. Diplôme de français professionnel tourisme et hôtellerie B1

German: Zertifikat Deutsch als Fremdsprache, Goethe-Zertifikat

Mandarin: Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi (HSK)

Japanese: Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT levels N3-N5

Spanish: Diploma de Español como Lengua Extranjera (DELE), Diploma Superior de Español de Los Negocios (DSEN) and Diploma Intermedio de Español de Los Negocios (DIEN)

Italian: Certificato di Conoscenza della Lingua Italiana (CELI), Certificazione di Italiano come Lingua Straniera (CILS)

EF Learning Guarantee
EF’s Learning Guarantee
We are so confident that our method will help you make maximum progress, that we guarantee it. Attend all of your classes, do all the assignments, and you’ll advance one course level every six weeks – otherwise, you'll study for free until you do.