4 benefits of your child being fluent in a foreign language
Today, we live in a globalized world. One where more students study abroad, travel is increasingly accessible, and companies strategize to find success in a global market. With that comes a growing demand for additional language skills.
Polyglots stand to see immense benefits in both their personal and professional lives as they increase their cultural awareness and gain vital skills for a number of growing industries. So, how exactly could your child benefit from becoming fluent in an additional language?
1. Higher exam scores
If you want your child to ace their exams and perform better on assignments, learning a foreign language could help them along. Being multilingual is proven to strengthen cognitive functions that can help students recall information faster and even improve native language and mathematics skills. Students who study foreign languages are far more likely to perform better on exams, especially on standardized tests.
2. Better understanding of new cultures
When it comes to culture, language plays as great a part as the food, entertainment, and intellectual achievements. So it should come as no surprise that learning a foreign language can help people become more aware and understanding of different cultures.
Research would even suggest that people may respond differently to situations depending on the language being spoken at the time. And while there is always some debate about whether or not speaking a new language changes the way you think, it’s clear it has an effect on how you see the culture.
“Language is the road map of a culture. It tells you where its people come from and where they are going.” – Rita Mae Brown
Simply put, learning a foreign language can help your child understand new cultures and gain insights into how its native speakers see the world. Which could be valuable throughout their life if they decide to live, work, or study abroad.
3. Stronger multitasking skills
Another strength your child will gain from speaking a second or third language is the increased ability to multitask. In a 2011 study from Pennsylvania State University, it was revealed that being multilingual makes it easier for the speaker to switch between different structures and tasks. They’re also likely to engage regularly in a form of mental exercise called code-switching, where a speaker alternates between two languages, which could result in stronger abilities in both languages.
4. Better career opportunities
Arguably the most common reason for a person to learn a second language is that they’d like to have more opportunities. This includes personal development but one of the most outstanding gains could be within their professional life.
Some of the most prominent career fields, including international business, healthcare, tourism, and social work, place a high value on employees with a wider range of language and cultural understanding. It also makes candidates stand out when applying for jobs, internships, and especially university – all experiences that will contribute to their career aspirations.
Speaking a second or third language means your child’s employability will continually be enhanced as the doors of opportunity open for them.
Wondering how to take your child from English learner to fluent speaker? Learn more about our international boarding school.